Saturday 17 November 2012

Baby Sarah Exclusive . . .

The footprints which rules the way of your streets
The sand particles which plays the kiss of your fingers
The dress which kills the romantic waves of your days
All those things wont forget by atmosphere
As long as my eyes lives

Irresponsible words which comes from your lips
Irritating moments which breaks my days
Unforgettable sadness which flows between you and me.
All those things wont forgive by my soul
As long as my heart last beat

The dustbin which throws my love with the help of your ego
Formality in this world makes me differs you and me.
Innocent conversations hurts because of my love.
All those things are hated by me.
As long as your loves last breathe.

Attractive behavior in front of everyone
Mesmerizing character in-front of myself
Intoxication affection in front of your parents
All those things are loved by me,
As long as my loves last breathe

Thursday 15 November 2012

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Girl's Version:

First Day : I saw an idiot sleeping
on the front bench..
Second Day : Saw the same idiot
getting punished...
Third Day : He was fighting with a
Boy... huhhh... idiot..!!
Fourth Day : I couldn't find him...
Where is he...??
Boy's Version:

First day : When I opened my
eyes... I saw her... her smile...
Second day : I got punished so
that I could see her all the while.
Third Day : A boy said something
about liking her...
Fourth Day : I was sitting on the
last bench... 'n she turned to find
me... 'n We smiled...

Tuesday 24 July 2012

small kitty in the world

Here take my hand

"Here take my hand"
    "I want the world to see
               How much you mean to me"
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